Hobbies & Advocacies


At night, he puts on a coat, gets in a car, and drives until he sees an orphan sleeping alone in the street.

This is how Charles Mully, one of the richest men in Kenya, spends his night.

He was orphaned at age six. To survive, he begged and stole for 10 years until he met someone who changed his destiny.

“A young man told me in a desperate situation, work hard, and by faith there is nothing impossible,” Mully tells Upworthy. “And a new hope was planted in my heart.”

When he found work, he saved his money to start a business which helped him begin other businesses making him a multi-millionaire.

“He had a fleet of buses, and then he was selling tires. He had a welding company. He had a car parts shop. He opened his own insurance company. From the insurance company he moved to real-estate and then my dad had a monopoly in oil and gas,” Mully’s son tells Upworthy.

But he gave them all up because of one incident.

A group of street boys robbed him.

“I saw faces of me. I saw myself,” Mully tells Upworthy. “I was tormented by these boys in the street. Why didn’t I give these young people money?”

He built houses and schools for abandoned street children. He called the community “Mully Children’s Family.”

For the last 28 years, over 13,000 children have been rescued.

Some of these forgotten children have now become doctors, teachers and managers.

“We are one family. We can only move forward when we trust each other,” Mully concludes.



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